Trojan 11.exe

I have just converted a friend’s PC to broadband from dial up. In less than two minutes I became aware of a number of viruses that I suspect were resident but not active for dial up.

One put a file in the C: root directory named Nortan.exe and the other a file called 11.exe. I have removed the Nortan file and it has not come back. The 11.exe file can be deleted but comes back after a reboot or after an attempt to update virus definitions.

The symptoms are first that I cannot download updates for Avast, Norton, MacAfee and two or three other AVGs.

Once the 11.exe is on the root I can no longer browse the web at all. A reboot and delete allows me to browse again.

None of the AVGs I have run indicates a virus and the Microsoft Malicious Software programme says the machine is clean.

So, what to do? I have yet to try a DOS based cleaner and I don’t want to Format C. Not for any big reason other than I don’t want to be beaten by the bug!

Any thoughts very welcome

Stephen :frowning: ???

Try an online scan at

1- disable System Restore
3- stop and disable all services not necessary (Start->Run->msconfig->OK)
2- reboot in Security Mode ( push F8, you know )
3- execute antivirus and other tools like antispywares, etcetera
4- see the results and clean
5- reboot
6- set normal reboot when msconfig panel appears->OK
7- reboot

8- kick out AVG and try Avast! ;D