Trojan detected..Help needed!!

My pc has been infected by those trojans:

Win32:Zlob-QT, Win32:Zlob-KB and Win32:Zlob-OO

The infected files are: laf27.tmp, laf28.tmp and laf29.tmp

I was able to move the infected files to the virus chest but I’d like to delete them. Can I delete those safely??

Most probably. But there is no hush to delete them. They’re safe into Chest.
Are you using Windows XP? Can you schedule a boot-time scanning?
Start avast! > Right click the skin > Schedule a boot-time scanning. Select for scanning archives. Boot.

It won’t be bad if you scan your computer with trojan removers too :wink:

:slight_smile: Hi Crazy :

 Anything with "Zlob" should be investigated by an Experienced, volunteer Malware Expert usually
 found on an antiSPYWARE Support Forum, so I recommend you go to the Forums of your
 antiSPYWARE Provider; if you know of none, I recommend . Any such
 Support Forum will want to see a "log" from the HijackThis program; therefore, 
 download HijackThis© from: . 

At the download prompt, choose “Save”.
Navigate to the saved file and double-click the installer, HJTsetup.exe.
HijackThis will be installed on your computer at C:\Program Files\HijackThis, making an entry in the start menu and also providing a desktop shortcut.
When the installation is complete, exit HijackThis.

Ok i’ll try these. Thx for the help! ;D

You might also want to check these out.

A new tool available from Rubber Ducky here
This one has a combined removal tool with instructions,