Trojan Detected in AVAST Download

Hi, I am hoping someone can help…

Yesterday my update was blocked and flagged by AVG as containing Trojan Horse Agent4.ITO

I have uninstalled Avast and reinstalled via but before it had finished installing AVG detected the Trojan again.

Never had a problem with avast before!

Can anyone suggest what I do next pls?


hey and welcome to the forum. you should never run two antivirus program at the same time.

so uninstall one of them and only use one antivirusprogram :wink:

Merry Christmas.

read reply from quietman7

General: Uninstalling a third-party antivirus software

I have been getting the same warning. I understand the issues with running two different AV programs. Avast is the only real time program I have running, but I do have AVG, and Malwarebytes installed, but not set for real time scanning.
The question still remains…is this Trojan warning REAL, or a false positive? Avast updates automatically, and my other AV programs I update manually. I never run more than one at a time, but AVG is still blocking my Avast from updating. I will do as has been suggested, and see how that works. I have had these same programs on my machine for several years, and have never seen this issue before, so why all of the sudden?
Thanks for your help, and hope everyone has a Happy Holiday!

DO NOT INSTALL MULTIPLE AV…it is not enough to just disable it
Malwarebytes in not a AV and can run alongside avast…it works/install in a different way

running multiple AV will give you a slower machine, give mysterious windows errors and false positive detections…
did you not check the links in my post above ::slight_smile:

also run the vendors removal tool to make sure all conflicting files are gone
you find the tools here

Been running AVAST with AVG for a long time, (years). Never have had a problem because AVAST allows it. This Trojan Horse is in the AVAST update for viruses. It is Agent4.ITO and just appeared a couple of days ago. AVG removes it, but if you have updates on automatic it will keep trying to download it. Perhaps someone from Tech Support can help?

Never have had a problem because AVAST allows it.
lucky you
This Trojan Horse is in the AVAST update for viruses. It is Agent4.ITO and just appeared a couple of days ago.
you are downloading a antivirus program containing virus signatures.....and then you are surprised when your other virus program give a detection ::)

If you want to install avast! antivirus software on your computer, please ensure that there is no any other third-party antivirus software already installed. Running multiple antivirus programs on the same computer can cause conflicts, that usually result in false positive detections, performance degradation and system instability. Therefore it is strongly recommended to uninstall all other previously installed antivirus applications before installing avast! on your computer.