Trojan Detected

Received a message which unfortunately I did not save. It stated warning Tojan detected - Don’t worry click this button it hasn’t entered your system - just click this button to cancel. At the bottom of message was a reference to I did not follow instructions as I was unsure whether it was genuine ?

I ran Avast Scan with no ref to Trojan or any other infections.

Any Thoughts ? - If it happens again will provide full details as I am not sure how Avast reports Trojans or is the hope that they are stopped before entering the system ?



Hi, welcome to the forum.
This was probably the webshield component of Avast notifying that a website you were browsing had a trojan in it. The connection would have been aborted; the trojan not allowed to run.
This type of detection is generally accurate, and the message to “abort connection” specific to the webshield, if that’s the massage you got.
So, to answer your question, yes, it was almost certainly genuine.

Hi Springer1996

You could look in your avast logs - right-click ‘a’ icon and choose avast! Log viewer.

Or Windows Event Viewer - Start > Control Panel > Admin Tools >
Look at the errors and warnings.

To expand on what mkis said:
Check the avast! Log Viewer (right click the avast ‘a’ icon), Warning section, this contains information on all avast detections. C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashLogV.exe

  • Or check the source file using notepad C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\DATA\log\Warning.log and copy and paste the entry. [