
I did a on-line-scan with Kaspersky and it said i had

I did a scan with Jottis Malware scan;
Only Kaspersky and AntiVir comes up with it rest states no virus found.

I would assume this is a false positive.

One more thing just to show how naive i am when i did the on-line scan it said to turn of my virus scanner as this may cause problems.
If i did this wouldn’t i be open to catching viruses from the net, as i would not have virus protection.


Submit the file in a password protected zip to for analyses.

How do i password it as i have only the zip program that came with windowsXP to make a zip folder.


Thanks Omar

It worked like a charm


It would perhaps not be very wise to assume this is a false positive. Equally or perhaps more likely that it is new malware that other companies have not added to their definitions yet. Kaspersky are pretty hot when it comes to nailing new viruses.

It won’t hurt to turn off your virus protection while doing a scan as long as you only have the one instance of your browser running and don’t go downloading files from another site at he same time. But you knew that anyway, didn’t you? ;D

You should always have your firewall up and not lower that for anybody.

Online scans are a useful double-check, and some will even remove malware.

I’ve compiled a little list for anybody who’s interested:

see: Online disk scanning

Been awhile since I’ve seen you on the forum FreewheelinFrank"and it is nice to hear from you again.

I read your info found it exactly what i was after.

I also bookmarked the site your link sent me to.
Needless to stay i got exited when i saw the title Don’t surf in the nude :-[ :-[

Cheers crofty59 ;D

I forgot to add, that in your e-amil to avast, you should explain the problem, why you think it is a virus.

In addition give them the link to this post, plus tell them the password for your zip file!

Thanks again Omar

I will have to remember that for next time as i have deleted the infected file.

Cheers crofty59