My PC is infected with a Trojan Exploit.JS.Pdfka. and unfortunately Avast is unable to detect it.
I am though very much happy with the Avast Performance.My sincere thanks to each and everyone who is behind this product.
The problem is whenever i click the text “+++++++++++++++++++++++” appears on its own.The same happens when i press any of the key like “w”,“q” ,“a”,“t”.
I would be delighted if you can get me through this…
Prashant Sharma
Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them. – Albert Einstein
Hello prashanth,
get malwarebytes antimalware(mbam) from here
update it.
do a quick scan, remove any infections found. reboot if asked to reboot.
then do a full scan. remove all found items, reboot if needed.
post both the logs here.(use additional options while posting and upload the file)
edit: how did you find out that you are infected?.
also, this is a forum open to public(anyone can see it). please remove your email id in the previous post by clicking modify.
you can try avast boot time scan(update to the latest definitions)
could you explain this a bit:(you say click it, where do you click it?. you say it appears on its own, where does it appear?.)
The problem is whenever i click the text "+++++++++++++++++++++++" appears on its own.The same happens when i press any of the key like "w","q" ,"a","t".
you need to answer the queries.
how did you find out that you are infected?. (was it an online scanner).
where was the file found (drive:\folder name\
is your avast database updated?.
you say that the file was detected, what did you do when it was detected? (deleted?- and so your system may be clean)
if you still have the file quarantined some where then you can consider uploading to and posting the link to the site here.
Question No:1
could you explain this a bit:(you say click it, where do you click it?. you say it appears on its own, where does it appear?.)
Answer No:1
By Clicking if i do a mouse click on any window say Notepad then the text “++++++++++++++++” appears of its own.The same happens in MS word etc.
Question No:2
how did you find out that you are infected?.
Answer No:2
avast event log entry.
9/5/2009 1:18:38 PM SYSTEM 1300 Sign of “JS:Pdfka-KB [Trj]” has been found in “” file.
One of my family member instead of moving it to Chest they ignored it…
Question No:3
is your avast database updated?.
Answer No:3
Question No:4
how did you find out that you are infected?. (was it an online scanner).
Answer No:4
One of the other Anti Virus installed on my PC reported an activity in the C:\WINDOWS\TEMP folder.
and the problem started.
Does avast creates a folder in temp labeled as “avast4” ?
I hope i have answered all your questions.
Once again thanks for the quick reply.
Prashant Sharma
Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them. – Albert Einstein
may we know the other antivirus and firewall you are using?
if its in the avast event log entry then it is removed hopefully.
yes, avast creates a folder avast4 temporarily to extract the files to scan. (please use one antivirus at a time. otherwise there will be such problems of interfering with each other.)
edit: yes the malware(Trojan Exploit.JS.Pdfka.) might be a harmful one. but i think its removed. nothing to worry. don’t simply scan using anything you find in the internet.
Quote from: pondus on Today at 05:58:17 PM
i think both problems may be related to running two antivirus programs
Posted on: Today at 06:14:17 PMPosted by: prashant_sharma1984