Trojan Horse Blocked

I visit a certain forum, a Linda Ronstadt fan forum, and since yesterday, I get an Avast popup saying the site is infected with JS:IFrame-CG [trj]

I contacted the Webmaster by email, and he said he does not detect anything.

And I ran full scans after I got the Trojan Horse messages, nothing was found by Avast.

Is this a false positive?

If you need it I can give the URL to the site.

If you need it I can give the URL to the site.
yes please....but post it unclickable. www as wxw or http as hxxp

was it this one hxxp:// ?

if so Sucuri say infected see attached screenshot (click to enlarge)

Malware info

Malware entry: MW:IFRAME:HD203
Also related to this malware: (that generates the Blackhole exploit alert on some AVs).

Yes, that is it. Thanks!

Will send link to webmaster.