Trojan in ChoiceMail Server

I haven’t used Avast! for quite a while, but I decided to give the latest pro version a go since my current antivirus (Spyware Doctor) is slowing down the launch of IncrediMail to a ridiculous degree. However, the first scan reported that ChoiceMail (the server part of the program) from (an anti-spam utility) was infected with a trojan. Worse still, when I tried to restore the file from quarantine, I was informed that I didn’t have the necessary permissions. Fortunately, I had created a restore point before installing Avast! and was able to solve the problem in that way. I am now rather reluctant to reinstall Avast!, especially after noticing that others seem to be having a lot of reported trojans. I have reported this to digiportal for comment.

Which antivirus did you use meanwhile?
Are you sure that all detections are false positives?
Can you submit them to and send to for analysis?

I have been using Spyware Doctor with Antivirus and Webroot Spysweeper with Antivirus (not at the same time of course). Neither of these has reported a problem with ChoiceMail. The initial response from Digiportal has been to point me in the direction of a previous support announcement, to which I have just responded to say that I only installed Avast! yesterday (so, if it is supposed to be fixed, why did I still get a trojan horse response from Avast!?). The Digiportal announcement can be read here:

I’ll submit a copy of the ChoiceMail file for testing as you have suggested.

This false positive is corrected, please update your vps file.

Thank you