Hi there
I read up on your advise regarding dl’ing some logs to assist with cleaning my infected computer of the viruses. Here are my logs. Please can you help with next steps to remove these viruses?
Thanks in advance.
Hi there
I read up on your advise regarding dl’ing some logs to assist with cleaning my infected computer of the viruses. Here are my logs. Please can you help with next steps to remove these viruses?
Thanks in advance.
you mean you had repeted popups?
from the AdwCleaner log it seems you had the same problem as most this week
visicom antiphishing toolbar…that AdwCleaner have removed
Folder Deleted : C:\ProgramData\Anti-phishing Domain Advisor Key Deleted : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Anti-phishing Domain Advisor
so is your problem gone?
tomorrow a removal expert will check your OTL log for any leftovers that need to be removed
Awesome! Super thanks for the speedy response. The popup alerts of my computer being infected seems to have stopped, but just wanting to be doubly sure.
Thanks again, i can sleep easy now. 8)
That looks good, to improve your system performance I would recommend that you uninstall Norton as it still has a lot of drivers running
you find norton removal tool here…nr #26a…run it and reboot
Thanks a gazillion guys - you’ve been nothing but prompt, professional and helpful. Avast rules and u guys are a godsend.
Nope! we are all avast! users trying to help 8)