Trojan JS:Blacole-AV being reported in Quickbooks

A false positive is being reported in QuickBooks executable QBW32.exe and is hosing everything up.

Object: c:\users…\global-e2e.merged.min[1].js
Infection: JS:Blacole-AV [Trj]

I scanned the system with HitMan Pro and no problem was found.

Putting in an exclude in the File System shield to exclude path c:\program files\intit\quickbooks 2012\ did not help.

The user was also getting a message for AvastUI.exe: “The instruction at 0x776e2cc7 referenced memory at 0xe9e0f933. The memory could not be read.”


Using Avast Free. When they have false positive issues like this, it’s never something minor.

The same is being reported when I log into my banking acount. If this is in fact a false positive, then it needs to be taken care of QUICKLY. If it is NOT a false positive, then I need to call my bank and tell them someone has infected their website with a trojan. -kd5-

The same is being reported when I log into my banking account.
If this is in fact a false positive, then it needs to be taken care of IMMEDIATELY.

I followed instructions I found online for manually removing JS/Blacole-Redirect.c but was unable to find it anywhere in my system.
I can log into my bank account in SAFE MODE WITH NETWORKING but not in regular browser. I hope it is a FALSE Positive that Avast fixes quickly!!!

it is a false positive.

Check the following links for more info

Update the virus defs now a fix has been released