trojan LOREZ

Avast4 have found “LOREZ” on 435 files “exe”. But Avast don’t repare this files. Who can help me.
Thanks Dantou

Move them to the chest. You may have to run a boottime scan for it to do so.

If avast! says they are trojans,you can delete them. Trojans don’t infect anything. Also consider about Eddy’s second advice…

Rundll and rundll32.exe are infected, as a great number of the .exe files and IO system! . Avast Home don’t succeed to repare or supress them. When i try to supress manually, or put inthe chest, rundll32 keep windows from doing so. And, if i want to suppress then on dos, i’ll be obliged to re-format and i’ll lost all datas!
Thanks Dantou


if you delete the files, your system is gone; if you move them, your system won’lt load/boot properly next time

@Eddy: this is a file infector which only works on Win95/98/ME, so no boottime scan

What Win do you have anyway, 98, 98 or ME… ?
If ME, going back to a CLEAN RESTORE point prioer to infection would be easiest…

→ Read on proper Cleaning/repairing/Disinfecting of
here: VGREP
(items 12-18)
→ The red links to Trendmicro, Mcafee and Symantec are usually the most helpful, e.g. these ones…:

  1. Cleaning via OnlineScan:

    (how to replace Kernel32.dll

Or use AV-Boot-CDs/disks to Clean/Repair/disinfect, e.g.

  • Avast BART-CD
  • F-Prot for DOS together with CLEAN, write-protected WIN-Startdisk
  • ->A Download → AV-Boot-CD/disks
    (all these tools need of course be fabricated on a different, CLEAN PC)

Maybe you’d then still have to replace Kernel32.dll with a Clean! copy
→ See above symantec link