Trojan.Nebuler not detected by Avast !!!


My old Norton Av 8 detects a virus as:

Scan type: Realtime Protection Scan
Event: Virus Found!
Virus name: Trojan.Nebuler
File: C:\WINDOWS\system32\winrge32.dll
Location: C:\WINDOWS\system32
Computer: BABUL
Action taken: Clean failed : Quarantine failed : Access denied
Date found: Wed Sep 06 11:45:37 2006

BUT same is not detected by Avast !! any help???


Having two resident scanners installed on the same system isn’t recommended.

If you are running two resident scanners especially NAV then avast is likely to disable elements to avoid a conflict and possible lock-up of your system.

You need to decide which AV to keep as your resident and completely remove the other and NAV can be a pig to remove.

Send a sample of winrge32.dll to avast in a zipped password (virus will do) protected email to virus @ (without the spaces) giving a brief outline of the problem, ‘undetected trojan’ or you can add it to the User Files section of the chest and send it from there.

:slight_smile: Hi all :

  This "trojan" is primarily SPYWARE & an antiSPYWARE
  program is needed to quarantine it as well as "detect"
  it. Did you do a "Google search" for "Trojan.Nebuler" BEFORE coming here ? I just did & the 5th listing was about research done by Sunbelt Software, the makers of the CounterSpy

antispyware product; it appears to be in THEIR database and they offer a FREE 15-day “trial” of the program, available at : . It would seem using their program would be the easiest way to rid yourself of it;
could uninstall the program before the end of the 15-day period, but I do NOT know what happens AFTER the “trial” ends !?