I’m a first timer here so be nice please. I am running Win 2000 with a P 4 qnd 512 Ram. Ad Aware tells me I have an infected file in Svchost.exe. I have run Norton AV 2002, Spybot, Swatit and every other anti virus worn trojan program I can think of.They all say I’m clean.Someone on the BB at PcPitStop told me he had the same problem with the same infected file after running the free Panda AV scan. I would appreciate any feedback. Thank you ???
Send the suspected file to me, divis@asw.cz, I’ll check it.
If i remember correctly, Ad-aware has a “bug” in their Signature. Make an update of Ad-aware and scan again. Maybe the Warning will disapear.
BTW The thing with Panda: Use the Boardsearch and search for “panda”. You will get several hits.