trojan virus help!!

everthing is working fine the other two viruses r gone…but this one still exists * windows/SysWOW64/consrv.dll*…did a quick scan using avast and it deceted this :frowning:

btw thanks for helping me remove the other ones :)…pls help me remove this one too!

did avast move it to chest ?

wen i do tht the window dosent start…it goes in the recovery mode…i then have to restore it to the previous infected state!

are you able to upload the file to and test it with 40+ malware scanners (if scanned before click rescan) when you have the scan result, copy the url and post it here for us to see

woa…that sure is infected

well you have to wait untill Essexboy is back…that will be tomorrow…usually late UK time

okay thank you for ur help…i ll check bak tom :slight_smile:

Could you re-run aswMBR please and also combofix. There looks to be a third driver I need to find

wen i tried running combofix…its say avast anti virus is running this may cause problem and damage the system…scan at ur own risk…even tho i had disabled it…wat should i do?

and below i have attached the aswMBR result!

Allow combofix to run but do not let Avast sandbox or block and files whilst it is running

this time the scan ran without showing any warnings!

Are you getting any further alerts ?