I am getting a notification of a Trojan Virus in Program File\Webroot\SpySweeper\SpySweeperUI.exe.
The Trojan Horse is labeled Win32-Delf.BPK
Is this a real Trojan Horse or a reaction to Spy Sweeper?
I am getting a notification of a Trojan Virus in Program File\Webroot\SpySweeper\SpySweeperUI.exe.
The Trojan Horse is labeled Win32-Delf.BPK
Is this a real Trojan Horse or a reaction to Spy Sweeper?
It could very well be a false positive. Submit the file to virustotal http://www.virustotal.com/xhtml/index_en.html If avast is the only one detecting it, then add it the exclution list. There are 2 lists. On access, left click the"a" icon, click on the standard shield provider, customize button, advanced tab. On demand, you can do that from the simple use interface or right click the icon and select program settings. Post back your results.
What is your VPS version, the latest is version 000721-1 ?
I suspect it is out of date as this FP has been in the forums (try a search for the spysweeperui.exe file) and was resolved in a VPS update.
I think you may be right, as the OP has another post concerning not being able to update from awhile.
When I ran a search for the spysweeper file, it came up 360592DC.pf. However, I am having problems with Spysweeper also and am going to uninstall and install it again.
I said to search for the file that is being detected, and you would have found this, http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=26369.0. It is a false positive correction that was corrected on 1 Feb 2007. So your VPS would appear to be well out of date.
Re installing SpySweeper won’t resolve the detection, only updating the avast VPS will resolve that.