i dont know where i got it. but i restarted my computer, and avast detected a trojan. it infected C:\windows\system32\otmspr.exe. i moved it to the chest b/c i jus recently had to format b/c i deleted mshome. the name is: win32:agent-ADYO. if you have any info on how to get rid of it. please let me know.
Hi, and welcome to the forum.
You say “…on how to get rid of it…”, does this mean you are still having problems with it? Is it present in the chest, are you getting repeat detections? Can you locate the file in the System 32 folder? (let me know if you need instructions on how to do that).
If so, try a boot scan. Or try removing the file in safe mode.
See this topic, same file name, http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=42700.0, though the Original Poster never replied.
Also see, http://www.threatexpert.com/files/otmspr.exe.html.