Trojan Win32:SdBot-gen44[Trj]

Found in my Windows/Debug file. Placed in my Avast chest. Said the name was DCPROMO.LOG. Is this safe to delete? Where did it come from? Anyone know how to get rid of it without affecting my Windows operating system? I’m a new user to avast and am unsure how to delete this bug. Any help or information is greatly appreciated. I’m NOT a computer guru so instructions need to be as simple as possible. Thank you. ;D

There is no need to be in a hush to delete files from Chest.
Chest is a safe place to keep infections: they could never get out from it without your manual interaction.
This file specifically, seems to be safe to be deleted, judging it as a log file.
Anyway, you can wait two weeks, update your avast virus database, right click the file into Chest and choose to scan it.
If it is still detected as being infected, just delete it.

Welcome to avast forums 8)

Whilst Tech is right there is no need to be in a rush to delete, I would also say you should also confirm the detection. A google search for DCPROMO.LOG returns many hits,

If as you say DCPROMO.LOG is in the windows\debug folder it could point to this being a form of sasser protection step after a sasser infection.

Windows XP Users: What to Do If Your Computer Has Been Infected by Sasser

Step 3: Mitigate the Vulnerability

You can temporarily remove the vulnerability that allows the worm to infect your computer by creating a log file.

Create the log file

  1. On the taskbar at the bottom of your screen, click Start, and then click Run.

  2. Type: cmd and then click OK.

  3. At the command prompt, type: echo dcpromo >%systemroot%\debug\dcpromo.log and then press ENTER.

Make the log file read-only

  1. At the command prompt, type: attrib +R %systemroot%\debug\dcpromo.log and then press ENTER.