
This is the virus I have/ Had… Im still unsure as to whether or not its there…

I had Avast! installed on my computer, and it didnt seem as though it was installed correctly. When I brought it up on this forum I was told that it was ok and would run propperly.

Well the other day, I was looking for information on pear trees and found a video about pear trees. I clicked to play the video, thinking to myself I shouldnt be opening this.

I still would have expected avast to protect me… It sounded the ALarms, all the bells and whistles were going off. But there it was… A couple hours later I began to get pop ups, and now two days later I have still had to fight this thing off…

Avast was useless to me. I started Downloading PC TOOLS programs, I had tried to find my Symentec CD for Norton 360, I tried to scan my computer through my network using norton…

When it all came down to it, Microsoft stepped in with out my calling them and I got about 12 updates which seemed to work, that is until this morning. I turned the computer on, the thing started freakgin out. Then out of no where again, microsoft sending me updates… 3 installed Malware removal tool came up, and said it was the titled trojan…

So far everything seemd ok, I am not running PC Tools SPyware Doctor, Registry Cleaner and antivirus… While I dont feel safer with it, it at least dosnt tell me there are errors after a virus scan…

Problem I have now is how to get avast off of this computer… I still have it on my laptop and will stick with it for a little while longer… But I am really not happy with you guys, you told me I was good…If I could find the previous topic I will copy paste it here…

Here is my previous topic…

:slight_smile: Hi :

Since you are continuing having problems, I recommend you use “VundoFix”
available from ; make sure you follow the
“Normal Usage for Removal:” Instructions .