I have tried everything…how do I get rid of this thing??
I have tried everythingNo you did not, or it would have been gone ;D
Send it to the chest and remove it from there. Also post a HijackThis log here and let us have a look at it.
It seems that Ad-Aware has nuetralized it enough that Avast took care of it. Boo-ya for the home team!!
I have the same :‘( :’(
I am running an Avast scan and he keeps finding infected files, I erase them and then the scan goes on again…
What should I do?
How did you get rid of it??
What does it do to the computer?
Click on the link in my signature and follow the steps on that page.
Thanks Eddy.
Kind of you to help me out. (on a Sunday!)
I’m trying to follow the instructions, but I won’t be able to install a firewall…
Do we know the effects of this trojan to the computer?
but I won't be able to install a firewall...Why not?
The effects are the same as with any trojan.
I don’t know the first thing about installing a firewall.
I have a router connecting both a pc and a mac to the adsl ( I don’t if this is relevant…)
I have just rebooted my pc after having run all scans by Avast and Adaware, and I don’t hear that terrible warning that I am infected, so maybe I’m fine.
Do trojans all do the same thing? I thought some were more harmful than others… I guess I’m just too old for this stuff…
HERE are some definitions about trojan, worm, virus etc. I think that will explain it to you.
It could be your router already has a firewall build in. Check the manual I would say. If not it is very much recommended to isntall one.
Free software firewalls can be found at:
OMG! I was scanning with Avast when at one point the scan kinda stopped while scanning Windows. I waited and nothing happened, so I stopped and I’m starting again…
It has appeared again! I deleted it and I didn’t get the message saying it couldn’t be deleted like yesterday before doing the procedure.
I’m running another scan…
Is this trojan very harmful?
Click on the link in my signature and follow the instructions on that page. That will remove all malware.
But yesterday I ran several scans after following your instructions, and avast didn’t find the virus anymore, so how can it just reappear today?
Either you didn’t remove it properly, or you got infected again. What file is reported as infected and what is its location?
You havent gotten rid of it, you didn’t delete it or even better put it in the chest.
so how can it just reappear today?Magic? ;D I don't think so. You re-started your computer!!!!! Please follow Eddy's instruction so you can get rid of it and report back here if you need more help.
I stupidly deleted it immediately without taking the time to copy the exact path of the infected file when I got the alert. All I can remember is that it was a restore file. So yes it must have come back when I restarted the computer.
OK I’ll go through the procedure again although I’m wondering why it didn’t work the first time…
If you are sure it was in the %sytem%\restore folder. Just disable system restore and the problem is solved.
Don’t forget to re-activate System restore after you reboot provided you still intend to use SystenRestore.
!? What do you mean? That once I’m sure I got rid of the virus I should re-activate system restore?
I used another method to disable it this time, via the Use Group Policy Editor…
But yesterday I thought I had done it using the Registry Editor…
So if I want to re-activated must I undo both disabling procedures?
Also, nobody has told me anything about the effects of this virus. Can it damage my discs or anything?
Ok, I disabled the restore system, I restarted the computer, ran a scan and it found nothing: so is the virus gone?
So if I want to re-activated must I undo both disabling procedures?
if you don’t know this, then you probably shouldn’t mess with Group Policies anyway…
Is the RESTORE folder gone or all empty now ?
might just be an ADWARE-Downloader
Trojano-247 is a GENERIC identification, so:
without the full path/folder/filename (see Avast Reports/logs or Windows’ event-log) and best the results of onlinescanners on the file, no more info is possible…