
I’m having a few major problems now, and being that my knowledge of computers, codes, etc, is very limited, treat me like a dummy in explaining things. :-\ OK, I downloaded Avast because my old Antivirus program, AVG, wouldn’t open/work anymore. I thought well maybe I have a virus and did several online checks, Panda found a few and couldn’t fix some of them. So I downloaded Avast and it’s found several and fixed almost all of them. But my virus chest doesn’t work(that’s in another post though.) Anyway, upon a boot scan, 3 viruses were found, or rather trojans. They couldn’t be repaired but I managed to move a couple, but this one I can’t move because it’s a Windows file. Upon a bootup scan and a normal starting of the program, it says I have this virus:

Win32:Trojan-gen. {UPX!} found in

So I read some similar posts here and first checked that one file with another virus scanner, and it confirmed a trojan/virus but called it TronanSpy.Win32.Fearless.11.b

I couldn’t find a way to get rid of it, so after further readings of similar posts I downloaded AdAware. That got rid of a bunch of things and seems to have fixed the other trojans except for this one. I also downloaded a TrojanCheck 5 but not only is it another language, I can’t open it just like I couldn’t open AVG at first. Can someone please tell me how to fix this, I haven’t been able to find the answer so far.


OOps when I quoted the address where the virus was found it’s supposed to be


not c:\windows|.…


Start MSCONFIG.EXE and disable the startup of the mssmgrie.exe file and restart. After that do not forget to delete the file.
You can delete the file in windows safe mode, too.