Trojen keeps coming back

Hello–hope someone can help…

My avast nuclear alert system kept going off indicating Ad-ware then a Trojen. Used the pre-boot scan, isolated some items into the chest. Did not stop the alarms. Used every ad-ware removal prog I could find, every oneof them found something (and I run these at least weekly…so this was unusual). Stiil getting the alerts. Used Trend Housecall and it found various Trojens with “no additional info available”. Problem went away!..Until re-boot. Started all over again.

The malware is attempting to load a file from a web address.
First day it was (addresses have spaces added)

h tt p :// / mind / haaa.exe
Win32: Troj_(forgot the rest)

Second day
h tt p :// / mind / 002211.exe [Upack]
Win32:Zlob-AG [Trj]
Trojan Horse
0552-0, 12/27/2005

Re-ran all the adware removals and Ewido, Avast and Housecall…all removed a ton again. Now I’m scared to turn off the PC. Any advice?

Have you got a firewall?

It sounds like you don’t because nothing is blocking this Trojan downloader from calling home.

(Windows firewall will not block connections out- I’m talking about a good third-party firewall like Sunbelt-Kerio or Zone Alarm Free.)

Here’s what you should do:

Download one of the firewalls above. (Don’t install yet.)

Update you anti-spyware programs. (Ad-Aware, Spybot Search & Destroy.)

Update Ewido.

Download, install and update a-Squared.

Make sure avast! is up to date.

Download Trend Micro’s Sysclean and Definitions.

Go offline.

Run Sysclean in safe mode. (Tap F8 while booting.)

Run a boot time scan with avast!.

Scan with Ewido, a-Squared, Ad-Aware and Spybot in safe mode.

Run all the programs again after a normal boot. (Sometimes one thing is hiding another.)

Install your firewall. (ZA Free is possibly the most novice friendly.)

Reconnect to the web. Allow connections out only from applications you trust.

Run a HijackThis scan and post the log file so we can check your computer really is clean.

Good luck!

You can also just follow the instructions in the malware removal section on THIS WEBSITE

You said you have used many malware removers, be carefull which one you use. Many of them are malware themselfs or install it.