trojon warning from avast appearedwhile using google

I got for thefirst time a Trojan warning while using google search andclicking on the sires they gave me. I don’t know how to find the log to send you. All I can remember is that it had ‘ie’ in the file name. I put it in the chest. Do I leave it there? Do I get rid of it( how?)? If you needmore info’ please tell me how to find it and how to send it. I’m really illiterate :-[ on computers. It’s win 98se andI’m running an up to date version of avast& up to date files.
Thank you lots,

Can I see the filename and malware name from the warning text file.

Welcome to the forums, lyth240.

Open the avast virus chest and see if the problem is listed in the Infected section of the chest. Post what you find in the Infected section here in this thread.