I downloaded v4.8 Pro from the Avast website and installed it. I purchased a license thru the program link and Avast responded by sending a License File to me.
The instructions were to double-click on the License File and it would automatically install, but double-clicking in Wn98SE only opens the “Open With” window. I then tried a manual installation via the program (Help/Registration/Inser Program Key), but it’s looking for a “key”, not a file or file location.
I’ve sent a request to Tech Support for help, but I’m hoping someone here has a quicker response on how to fix this problem. Any input would be appreciated.
I don’t remember anymore version 4.8… But avast! seems to have a button called “insert license” or something similar that will open (add) the license file.
If I remember correctly, 4.8 does NOT have a license file but a license key (numbers/letters).
Are you sure you’re talking about version 4.8 and that was avast! who sent you the file?
The sales department finally got back to me. I guess they can no longer provde a License Key to me for v4.8 Pro because they have refunded my credit card purchase.
Even though it looks like Avast v4.8 was only going to last till the end of the year or so, I wanted to support the company by purchasing a license for the Pro version. Since that didn’t work, I’m no looking for a copy of the free v4.8. I’ve looked on the web and found many sources but all the downloads seem to be contaminated (my current AV rejects them).
Does anyone know where I can get a CLEAN copy of the FREE v4.8? I’m getting desparate now as my current AV dies (no longer supports Win98SE) after 5/29/12.
Thanx for the link. I downloaded the file and it came down clean. I haven’t had a chance to install it yet on my Win98SE machine, but I assume that it’s the right version (there was no version number in the filename).
Thanx again!.. I’ll let y’all know if it solves my problem.
Just to let y’all know, I got the Avast v4.8 Home Edition (free) installed on my Win98SE machine and was able to get it registered, which yielded a license key. In turn, the lincense key installed with no problems and it looks like I’m all set.
In looking at About, it looks like the virus database won’t expire until 6/1/13 so that’s a real help, too.