Trouble locating threat

Hi all.
The problem that I am having is that I cannot find the PUP that Avast found with the path that Avast gave me.
Here is the path of the 3 “Low Severity” PUP after the Full Scan from Avast Internet Security:



I tried actions move to chest, delete, and repair with no success. I noticed this because when I run the scan again it detects the same threats.
Any ideas where they are located or what these paths mean?

do you have more then one user account ?

Yes I do. Should I run it in an Administrator account? Will the path exist in an admin account and not a standard account?

well all accounts have a resycle bin....if you empty yours, you dont empty all the others

so if you empty the bin in all accounts…does it still detect this ?

Ah okay. I went into my admin account the PUP was in the recycle bin. So I believe the problem is solved. Thanks for the help.