Trouble uninstalling modules (auto update reinstalls them)

I installed avast! Home with 3 modules (IM, Mail, Standard). But later decided to not use IM and Mail (the files gets scanned when they are saved to disk anyway right).

BUT, they keep reinstalling them selves :frowning:

I use the “Add/Remove Programs” and “Modify” to remove the unwanted modules, and after reboot everything is OK.

BUT soon after reboot I get a pop-up message from avast! about a new version (even if that’s the one I have) and after that a message that a reboot is needed. After that reboot all 3 modules is up and running again - quite annoying :frowning:

Only solution is to remove avast! 100% and install from scratch only the modules I want. Then it seem to work :-/


You just need to disable the modules by clicking on the icon ball and terminating each module you don’t want to use.

Anyway, not utilizing the email scanner is sort of guarding a castle without a moat.


Disabling the modules will stop them for “session” only.

They will reactivate to Normal status on boot.

The only way to prevent this is what Lars has said.
Only install the modules you want at installation.

This feature however only exists in the Pro version.


Mine don’t. It will ask if you want the changes to persist or not.


True, but he did not say he was doing that.
Also, I forgot that you can check the box to hold the terminate setting in the Home version.

You are correct.


Nah, still using free Avast. Currently after boot up I have only the email provider and standard shield running. I’ve disabled the others.

I’m using 4-home, and I get the same as Culpeper. If I terminate one or more of the providers (or start them up, for that matter), I’m asked if the changes should persist when I next reboot.

I’m on XP (Home) if that makes a difference.

No problem. I need to get off my butt and get the pro version. The home version has more than proved itself to me. Maybe after Christmas or when the current registration runs out. ;D


Yes. You can teminate the modules and "hold’ the settings by checking the box to “persist”

I use both Home and Pro and sometimes forget which one I am trying to explain when the poster does not mention which version they have.

Not a big deal.


Sshh, Psss!! :-[
Don’t tell them! Keep it free! :wink:

Anyway, why Lars-Erik has a trouble?
Everything seems to work to us (Pro version, XP Pro)… 8) You said that ‘after reboot avast! asked for a new version’, please, Lars, what version did you installed first?


There was a bug in 304 which sometimes had this behavior. Hopefull it’s fixed in Dec03 version. But usually remove/restart was enough for other people. Let’s wait for the dec03 version, we’ll see then.

I download my Home Edition (and registered it) 12th dec, so it’s the newest one. The program works OK, it’s the “Modify” part of the “Add/Remove” that don’t work. You’re supposed to be able to install and uninstall parts of avast! here right (if you would remove something you added at first install, or add a part that you didn’t select at first install).

But when I do this it only works for a while. Then I get a message about a new version, it’s automaticly downloaded, and then all modules I originally installed are back (even if I have used “Modify” to uninstall those.

BTW: Use Win98se

Note: I use Agent as a mail-program. And received viruses in mail always is saved to disk (temporary) before they are opened. Viruses with their own SMTP server is not stopped ny avast! anyway (but I guess ZoneAlarm will stop them). I don’t then really see the need for using the mail-scanner?


I agree. You seem to be packing too much stuff, troop. All you need is 3 days rations, 1 pair dry socks, 1 first aid kit, 100 rounds of ammo, 1 M-16 rifle, 1 bayonet, 2 canteens of water, 1 firewall, and Avast. ;D

Maybe the bug that kubecj talked about is still present in the Dec 3rd update :cry:

I won’t be so sure and confident with ZoneAlarm (of course, I suppose you use the Pro or Plus version and not the Home one). But if your ISP or application allow a previous scanning of the email, maybe you are right… Anyway, besides the joke, Culpeper could be some reason :wink:

Nope, the bug was fixed, but Dec2003 update is not released for ‘casual’ users, just for those with the adventurous nature 8) See the ‘BETA’ thread.

But, I still feel that the feature works 99% even in 304. Lots of you did some residents install/uninstall tweaking and I no serious bugreports yet.

Kubecj, I just tried to remove providers at the installation proccess. It worked. I won’t try to add/remove on my ‘beta’ 4.1.313… This ‘dirty’ work, this time, I let to Techie ;D