Trouble updating

I’m having trouble updating to the latest Avast. The errror msg I get is:

Ver: 4.0.183
SI: 0x00000002
LE: 0x00000000

The last update I got successfully was on 3/17/03. I am currently running Avast Home edition on a computer with Windows XP. Any help would be appreciated.

Who’s giving you this error message? Looks like an output from vpsupd.exe… :wink:

How do you try to do the update? Manually from the program? Are you updating the whole program or just the virus database (VPS)?


It is just the msg that is popping up on my screen. I downloaded the update from the Alwil site because when I try to update using the buttons on the scanner I can’t do it either. It tells me that: The specified module could not be found. Cannot install incremental update. I don’t know why.

Edit: I also have automatic updates turned on but still have not recieved any updates.

Sorry, but the installation seems broken. I think you’ll need to reinstall the program. That is, uninstall it, reboot and then run the setup program you downloaded from our web.

Shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes. :slight_smile:


Ok I’ll give it a shot, good thing I have my Reg Key written down.

Ok I got it uninstalled and reinstalled which took some doing because some how the uninstaller was messed up as well now my reg key is not working, how do I fix this?

Hmm, the key is not working? Then you need to re-register at


I got it all figured out, I had to even redownload the setup program, the problem was with it. I got reregistered and am now finally up to date. Thanks for your help.

Not a problem. Thanks. :slight_smile: