I have been experiencing difficulty re-establishing a full wireless connection to my networked computer. I have called Verizon, my wireless provider, and have gone through a wide variety of steps with them. They show the connection to be very strong. The trouble is - I am unable to connect to any webpages beyond that of Verizon central! >:( We are not experiencing this difficulty with the main computer in the house, which I am using currently. Verizon claims the problem is with my virus protection (avast). ??? However, I have disabled this protection and am still unable to bring up any other webpages. :‘( Further, my sons have computers networked into out main computer as well - one desktop, two laptops. The anti-virus protection on these computers is Norton. They too are experiencing the same difficulty as I in not being able to bring up webpages. >:( Is what Verizon claims possible??? ??? ??? ??? Could the problem in regaining access to webpages somehow be connected to our anti-virus protection sofware??? ??? If so, how can we resolve the problems in order to be able to use our computers??? I DESPERATELY NEED MY COMPUTER FOR WORK!!! :’( This has been a major problem for about a week now. We have to get this resolved!!! ??? Can anyone out there help??? ??? ??? ???
Do you use avast in your computer, right? But if the others have the same problem, most probably the problem could be in the firewall, or in the wireless drivers. Which operational system are you using?
My operating system is WindowsXP, and yes, all computers have firewall protection. The two laptops operate on windows98 and vista, and again, these two laptops, as well as an additional desktop all have Norton anti-virus protection. My computer is the only one with avast. Can you help???
I wish I could… I’m not an expert on networking and wireless connection.
Bob, another avast user, used to use a tool for helping network configuration. Hope he can post here.
Well, thank-you. I think for now, my husband plans to hardwire me to his computer (I think that’s what it’s called) by running a wire. I don’t know “what” we will do about our sons computers. One is in college now and will need to use his laptop for his school work. Oh well, one way or another we’ll get this figured out. Thanks!
On your computer with XP. go to start > Run and type cmd then hit enter. Once the command prompt open up type ipconfig /all and look for your wireless adapter. Make sure it has a valid address (should be in the 192.168.x.x or 10.x.x.x range if you are connected to a router)
Well, I know that I am fully connected to the router with my computer, and I am fully connected to Verizon. The problem I am experiencing is that I am unable to bring up any webpages to my monitor beyond the Verizon central page. I now believe that the problem lies with the main source computer - “possibly” the router. My eldest son is autistic and his focus is on computers. When something goes wrong, he cannot leave it alone! Also believe that he “may” have unintentially placed a block on the router or done something else there. My husband and I are not computer savy people. How could I go about determining if the router has been tampered with, and how can I fix this problem??? ??? ??? ??? Any help you can provide will be appreciated. I’ve GOT to have my computer back ASAP so I can get my work done! THANKS!