Trying to cancel auto-renew

Following the FAQ, I’m trying to cancel auto-renew.

First, I used the page where I enter my order number and password. Then I get a page where I can see the order, and there’s a button that says “manage subscription”. When I click that button, it takes me to this page:

where, when I enter my email address, I get the message “Enter a valid email address”. Yeah, I did. I even tried to use the “Forgot password?” link and got the password sent to the very same email address that You say is invalid…

It’s like you deliberately try to prevent people from cancelling their subscriptions.

Following the FAQ, I'm trying to cancel auto-renew.
Did you see these?

Sales: Disabling Automatic Renewal service for Avast orders distributed by DIGITAL RIVER

Sales: Disabling Automatic Renewal service for Avast orders distributed by NEXWAY

Yes, when I wrote that I was following the FAQ, I meant that I did follow the instructions in the FAQ. And if you had bothered to read my post, you would have seen that I described the steps from the same FAQ you just linked. Then I end up on a page that asks me for an email address and then tells me that the email address is invalid even though it is the same address the order and password was sent to.

And if you had bothered to read my post, you would have seen that I described the steps from the same FAQ you just linked.
I did ... sorry I wasted your time

I don’t know if this will help you or not. If you’re typing in your order number and password, copy and paste those 2 entries from the email Avast sent you. That’s what I had to do last year, this year I did that right off the bat.

I do think they intentionally make it difficult, I can’t prove it tho.

I know for sure avast isn’t making it difficult.
But as with everything, things can go wrong/not working properly.