I’ve been working on this for days. I found out that my site, DDPYOGA.com gets a warning from Avast. I’ve checked the site, the databases and run it through every virus scanner that I can find and I’ve come up empty. I’ve contacted Avast and the only response I’ve been given is “Sorry your site is malicious”. Contacting avast for additional information has let to no response. I even called technical support and offered to pay for any information that I could get and was turned down.
I have absolutely no idea what to do and can’t find anything wrong with the site. The warning pops up on the shopping cart. If anyone has any advice I would greatly appreciate it!
@ winmaltech,
If you do not know where to look do not comment, just two scanners won’t give the actual results.
There is a higher than average probability that the user will be exposed to malicious links or payloads.
Reputation index !40 source: BrightCloud Content and Reputation results
IP address has been reported as risky by some resources…vds-pack/inlinks/xaidv issue
The dangers luring there are: Use of MDAC, vulnerable CLSID
Microsoft Internet Explorer ADODB.Stream object vulnerability, CVE-2006-0003 wXw.youtube.com/embed/qBWCTXKaiYY suspicious also see: htxp://urlquery.net/queued.php?id=32436 older reports also suspicious
[suspicious:2] (ipaddr: (iframe) wXw.youtube.com/embed/qBWCTXKaiYY
status: (referer=wXw.ddpyoga.com/site/index.php/en/)saved 5764 bytes bcdceb05bb2a7d35ff7c97a3661c66e523e1df3f
info: [img] s.ytimg dot com/yt/img/pixel-vfl3z5WfW.gif
info: [script] s.ytimg dot com/yt/jsbin/www-module-vflka0yFS.js
info: [decodingLevel=0] found JavaScript
error: undefined variable yt
error: undefined function yt.setConfig
suspicious: maxruntime exceeded 10 seconds (incomplete) 0 bytes
Also found static woopra tracker but this code seems benign…
Site is not flagged at the moment by avast shields…