After downloading Turbo Tax for 2013. I am not allowed to run it due to it telling me I don.t meet minimum requirements. While investigating the problem one of the solutions is "if you are using Avast, deactivate it to allow turbo tax to complete it’s download. Then reactivate it. I HAVE A SERIOUS PROBLEM WITH A SITE TELLING ME THIS. Has anyone else had this problem? Please reply. I want to start my taxes.
Does your system have the minimal requirements?
What os/sp are you using?
What exact version of avast do you have?
What other security software do you have (or did you have)?
There is normally never any need to disable a av just to download/install something.
Re: Avast and Turbo Tax 2013
Here is the error message:
“Sorry but your system doesn’t meet the minimum requirements. Administrator rights” Appears When Installing on Windows with Administrative Privileges
Disabling avast! shields control is a part of the solution, choose “disable until restart” You must also close the avast! service, which means 1st going to settings, troubleshooting, and clear the check box “Enable avast! self defense module” then you may disable the service “avast! antivirus”
Now install Turbo Tax, reboot, and DONOT forget to Enable avast! self defense module!
Here is what Intuit says (we are also Intuit Experts):
We have received reports of some Windows users encountering this error message when installing with Administrator privileges. This appears to be caused by installing TurboTax on 64-bit Windows while running Avast antivirus.
We are working with Avast to prevent this issue occurring in the future. In the meantime, to install your TurboTax product, please try the following:
If you are installing from a CD:
1.Press Windows+E to bring up Windows explorer and locate your CD drive.
2.Right-click the TurboTax CD (while it is in the drive) and select Explore.
3.Open the “TurboTax 2013” folder and run “TurboTax 2013 Installer.exe”
For a Download:
1.Press Windows+R to open the Run dialog
2.Type “%temp%” without the quotes into the Open field and click OK, this should bring up Windows explorer in your temporary files directory.
3.Navigate to a folder beginning with “ckz_” and look for a “TurboTax 2013” folder.
4.Open the “TurboTax 2013” folder and run “TurboTax 2013 Installer.exe”.
Alternatively, you may use the Search command to find the TurboTax 2013 Installer.exe file if you are having trouble with the above instructions by pressing Windows+S.
We have 100% of the time disabled the avast! shields control, to rule out any avast! issue. This proves that step is no longer 100% valid!