when i am wanting to do a system defrag , how can i turn avast off? thanks adam
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Right click on the a and then follow the picture.
And whats that good for? Defragmentation is performed on lower level so its not interfering with defrag tool in any way. avast! won’t even scan files that are being defraged. So keep avast! enabled at all times.
Hi adam,
Just right-click on the avast icon and select the “Close and exit” at the bottom of the menu. This stops all resident providers, which are all you’d have problems with. Don’t forget to start them again afterwards.
Actually all you really need to do is (in that same menu) Pause the Standard shield – none of the other providers should interfere with degragging. Again, don’t forget to resume it afterwards.
Sliightly off-topic, but closely related – if you happen to also use Javacool’s SpywareGuard. While I don’t think this is mentioned anywhere in its Help, Javacool recommends you shut that down too while defragging because of a history of problems. Select Options, untick all three boxes, and Save Settings (your SG icon will become x’d-out), then Exit Program from its menu.
When you’re done defragging, restart SG (from the deskton icon, or from the Start Menu), re-tick the 3 categories and save settings again, then close its window and it’s back to normal.
RejZor, do you agree that it will use CPU/RAM and, at least because of this, avast will make the defrag process slower… Even the screen saver (module of avast) will slow it down… :-\
No. Memory/CPU usage has nothing to do with this. It wont be any higher and wont slow defrag process or avast! scanning. In all 5 years of extensive computer usage i have never disabled AV during defragmentation because there is simple no need to do this. Defragmentation works on lover level then antivirus so there is no interference at all.
Thanks… I’m learning…
Simply run defrag in safe mode.
Again not advisable. It most probably won’t even run the defrager and the second one is that safe mode uses generic drivers that work on most hardware but they also provide the same performance level(bad).
Defragging will take much longer thats for sure.
I agree with RejZoR.
In safe mode, Windows only uses PIO mode transfer.
Since defraggers uses sector based defragmentation, avast! does not scan any files that are being defragmented.
Unless you don’t have enough RAM to run your defragger, you shouldn’t have to turn off avast! in order to defrag your HDD. (You should upgrade your memory if that’s the case :))
If you look at what people are running (services/applications), defrag in safe mode is for over 95% of the users faster than in normal mode.
I assume you’re talking about Win9x. On NT its far from being faster.
Nope, also talking about NT based system. See the part where I say sevices? How many services run on 98(se)? ;D
Well i use win98 Se and i have to close many prgrams (all exsept Explorer and systray) down before i do a defrag/scandisk or they keep restarting themselfs.
I think this is limitated t win9x though.
Lee, applications and services are two diferent things. If you boot 98(se) in safe mode you will see only systray and explorer are running. If you boot XP in safe mode you will see more things running. Not only the XP equivalent of “systray and explorer” but also some services.
btw, with the current systems defrag will clean up the drive and makes the system run a little faster, but how many people notice that? A fragmented drive doesn’t have such a great impact on the systems speed as in the old days. Configuring a system correct will increase speed more noticible.
Configuring a system correct will increase speed more noticible
Could you give some examples please Eddy
You dont need to stop avast standard shield, if you want to do a driver defrag. avast driver should check if file is used with defrag software.
I used Rejzors Power Defrag program. I chose the setting to scan “disk”. I left my Avast program turned on during that time. I did not time the defrag but it didn’t seem like it took that much time. After the defrag everything on my pc appears normal.
PerfectDisk is a very good defragging proggie.
Disable un-necessary services in NT based systems… They will increase your speed.
Blackviper has a extended list with services and tells what can be shutdown. He has also some other tweaks/tips.