Turn It Off?

who could do this…could you bob3160,davidr,polonus ::slight_smile:
i remember life before computers :o
Coming next month: Shutdown Day.

It is obvious that people would find life extremely difficult without computers, maybe even impossible. If they disappeared for just one day, would we be able to cope? Be a part of one of the biggest global experiments ever to take place on the internet. The idea behind the experiment is to find out how many people can go without a computer for one whole day, and what will happen if we all participate!

Shutdown your computer on this day and find out! Can you survive for 24 hours without your computer?

The big day is the 24th of March – a Saturday.


Na, I can’t stand these don’t eat this or that days either, national hug a tree day or Red nose day, so I doubt this one will be any more successful in getting me to take action, or should that be to take no action ;D

i was just posting it davidr my friend and na!-my computers will stay on :o
what size tree were you suppose to hug ??? ::slight_smile:

Turn off My Mac? NEVER!!! 8)

I went without a PC for a couple months when the Mo-Bo went bad so I can tell you…


Do without my computer??? ??? :o ::slight_smile:

Hi friends!
My vacation house is situated on a teritory where there no any kind of communication ( no landline phones, my mobile phone is out og range etc) and almost no ellectricity (diesel generator). Po I don’t have a PC thereand live in that condition for about 2-3 months. I can tell that I can live without computers, but, as I’m not on vacation I shall not torn of my PC that day ;D ;D

When we go to Dallas in April for Alice’s first anual post liver transplant checkup,
I’ll be without a computer for about a week. Oh all that email when I come back… ;D ;D ;D

A bit off theme in this thread, but I hope Bob that the Mrs. is doing fine, and I hope that she gets an “A”, a smiley face, and a gold star on her report card.

