Turning off the on access scanner message

how to turn it off:

Double click the avast icon

Scroll down the left side to standard shield

In the resident task setting box that pops up, click on the advanced tab

UNCHECK show detailed info on performed action

:slight_smile: Hope this helps …it helped me. That thing is so annoying!!

You should only ever have to switch it off if you enabled it as it is off by default.

So tweaking avast without looking at the avast help file to find out what the settings do isn’t advised. You should also not that this function is also in the Internet Mail and Web Shield providers so if you changed those you would need to reverse any changes there.

I know this topic hasn’t been posted recently but it was driving me insane not being able to switch it off - now I know - thank u DavidR!

No problem, glad I could help.

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