I have a rooted android 2.3.4 phone on which I installed Avast Mobile Security. Working my way through the AMS settings I was doing a lot of guesswork - which is not the best way to set such an app. So, I wondered, is there a tutorial on how to use and set Avast Mobile Security? At least a text somewhere that explains what each setting does and how best to set it?
Actually I had originally installed Avast Mobile Security before I rooted the phone. I went through a lot of frustration because every tool I used to root the phone failed to do so. I suspected permissions in my Windows 7 desktop, tried XP with no difference until it dawned on me that Avast Mobile Security’s firewall was probably blocking the rooting. I uninstalled Avast Mobile Security and pronto, my next attempt to root the phone worked seamlessly. In retrospect it is easy to understand that the firewall would have prevented the rooting, but without a clear understanding of what the various settings in Avast Mobile Security do, it was not that obvious. Indeed I asked for help on many android forums and nobody knew why I could not root the phone.
So, back to my original point, is there a tutorial on how to use and set Avast Mobile Security? At least a text somewhere that explains what each setting does and how best to set it?
Thank you.