
I just upgraded to Pro 4.1, and I was wondering if there were any specific settings that I need to pay close attention to, or tweak? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks;action=display;threadid=1647

there’s no official tweak program for it and I hope someone will prepare it… (and I hope it won’t be in Java 8)).

Well in fact there is one :stuck_out_tongue: Unofficial ofcourse,its named avast! External Control (AEC).



avast! External Control has many tweaks and features to perfectly disable/enable and auto-restart avast!,tweak lots of settings that cannot be changed by default avast! interface and also provide you with detailed status info and log dumping ability. If you use NT based system (Win2000/XP) this is the right toy for you (its somehow limited for Win9x users) :slight_smile:
There is also Readme file with detailed info about every feature in AEC inside download package,but if you have any other questions about it feel free to mail me or ask in this thread:;action=display;threadid=3021


How about checking ALL settings to make sure they are as you wish?


It might be helpful if you put up those OS which will not work with AEC.
It will prevent much unneccesary posting. ;D


Read my post above :wink: I mentioned that Win9x is very limited.

RejZoR, maybt Techie reports to the AEC splash screen ::slight_smile:

Not on the splash screen,but you get error/warning/info box before using feature that isn’t supported on Win9x. Try using avast! Main Control feature on Win9x and you’ll get that dialog.

Is it a joke for my tweaker ? ::slight_smile:

Sorry but i LOVE Java :stuck_out_tongue:

When avast will turn RejZoR and Le Doc applications the official ones? ;D

Well for mine, i have to release it first !! ;D

I should send you a beta this week-end for test…

I’m anxious waiting for it 8)

I have just send it to you and pk.

Other users please see my last post here :;action=display;threadid=5847;start=30

Sorry Le Doc… I did not receive… Maybe my Spamkiller murdered it ;D
Can you send it again with a well done subject line to identify it? Thanks 8)

i’ve just send it again, good luck.

Looks very interesting. Try implimenting those features that i couldn’t (mostly those for Windows 9x).

Thank you !

Well the features i implement are very simple: Tweaker is a GUI for managing avast4.ini file. So the features are limited to what can be done in this ini file (see Technical’s thread). The Tweaker is in Java so it can be executed on any OS with a 1.4.2 (or later) Java Virtual Machine. You can get it here :

So you’ll have this program limited only to twekas in avast4.ini ? If so i’ll still continue developing AEC :slight_smile:

Your program is a proven product. Please don’t stop anything. I’m not doubting Le Doc’s abilities however, a bird in the hand is worth…
I’m sure you know what i mean.

I’ll take this opportunity to also say that I really like RejZoR’s avast External Control program. It’s excellent. Thanks!