Hiya Guyz
Viva Avast!!
I support other machines with QuickBooks and Avast on them, but only one shows encroaching QuickBooks file infection as shown in the attached screen shot of the virus chest.
This machine has been recently cleaned of other infections so the user has been doing almost daily Avast scans which have picked up these items. I’ve not had to worry much since these files in the chest have not handicapped QuickBooks 2007 from running. With “Virus description” blank I’ve been inclined to see these as false positives but with scans on different days turning these up, they bear further investigation.
I have removed all known vulnerabilities: Java old versions, Adobe Reader 7 and earlier; Windows firewall is in use along with Windows Defender.
What should I do next?
I’m gonna list the files names here so they are searchable to other users: QB2007_Core_RJR3, and QBFAM06.chm.
Many thanks.