Please order from avast 8 were two versions 32 and 64 bit, because now it is almost 100 mb to download. it would be better.
We’ve discussed this several times. Separating 32bit and 64bit would only save few megabytes but would also complicate for users to decide for the right build. 80% of the installer size are virus definitions which are shared between both builds.
difficult, you have to download every time over 100mb
Not every time, just the first time. After that use the built in program update.
I know, but the installer disk for future
?? ???
fetching the drive to have the installer disk.
Sorry, I don’t understand what you mean.
You can burn the installer on a CD-Rom or copy to a USB-Stick.
Exactly…!! That’s why I don’t understand why the OP needs to download it more than once. ???