Avast has just identified c:\windows\syswow64\twpix32.dll as possible threat and quarantined it. Now my Canon P-125 scanner won’t work and gives a ‘cannot use driver’ error. I have uninstalled and reinstalled scanner. Any thoughts
You can upload and report FP to avast here: http://www.avast.com/contact-form.php
you can also use mail
send to virus@avast.com in a password protected zip file
mail subject: False Positive
zip password: infected
or you can send files from avast chest
how to use the chest. http://www.avast.com/faq.php?article=AVKB21
I can asure you it is not malware.Its a file that you cannot delete.It is needed.WoW64 stands for "Windows on 64-bit Windows", and it contains all the 32-bit binary files required for compatibility, which run on top of the 64 bit Windows.WOW64 knows that the Setup wizard is a 32-bit application running within an emulator. It also knows that 64- and 32-bit code cannot be mixed. As such, the WOW64 emulator aliases an alias to the \Windows\SysWOW64 folder. This means that any time a 32-bit application needs to read or write anything to or from the \Windows\System32 folder, the WOW64 emulator transparently redirects the request to the \Windows\SysWOW64 folder.Info credits from PCHF STAFF member Pankake April 4 2011
Update - have totally removed, updated and reloaded scanner software - Avast seems happier now. All works fine - thanks for suggestions.