UBJ Service. Is it an AVAST service???

Is UBJ an AVAST service? UBJ is listed in my Services; I disabled it until I could find out what it was. Nothing shows in Properties. There is no vendor connected with UBJ. Kimberly has been helping by looking at the registry. She is puzzled too. She wondered if it may be an AVAST service since one of the registry entries was

I would appreciate any help. Thanks.

UBJ is not an avast! service. Can’t seem to find much on google. either.

If you want to post a hijackthis log maybe we can make some sense of it.

BTW, is Kimberly an avast! forum member?

I don’t know about UBJ bit the aswrdr is familiar, as in aswrdr.sys http://www.spywaredata.com/spyware/malware/aswrdr.sys.php.

I don’t have that value or data in HKLM\System\ControlSet001{or ControlSet003, nor CurrentControlSet, I have no ControlSet002}\Services\aswrdr. Windows XP Pro, avast 4 Home.

What version of avast are you using (as this would appear to be part of the avast 4 server version) ?

Thanks. I have AVASTv.4.7 Free Edition on my computer. Kimberly is one of the registry experts at Malware Removal. I am not sure whether she is registered here at AVAST! Forum.

Nothing shows in HJT. I also help analyze HijackThis logs so that was the first place I looked.

Nice site.

Are you working on this publicly on the forum there? I would be interested in following it.

I agree. I graduated from Malware Removal University and proud of it. No, I am not working on it publicly. I have been communicating with Kim via PM’s. I will share the information with you when we get it resolved, if you like. I can post the solution here.

Well, I don’t exactly know what problem your working on but I’m curious because of the reference to aswrdr. Let us know if it looks like something is trying to mimic avast!

I too would be pleased to see that, I hate mysteries too.

I will post any information I find in this forum. So far, the mystery isn’t solved.

I no longer have UBJ in Services or in the Registry. I can only tell you what I did to remove it and I am not sure which activity did the trick. I had disabled it in Services. I ran RegSeeker and deleted the UBJ registry entries. I uninstalled AVAST and reinstalled it.

So UBJ is still a puzzle as to what it was and what it did. I have noticed an improvement in speed so it was doing something. The initial reason I started looking in Services was that my computer had slowed down.

I am just glad UBJ is gone regardless of what it was or did! ;D

Thanks for helping me.

Your welcome, thanks for the update.