Hello friends. First, I write from Spain and I apologize for my English “Google”:-S
I am currently working on a cultural center and computers (with Windows) are largely abused. I am interested especially one to which the virus which is currently being damaged by viruses and can not uninstall it, nor can I enter the computer “fail safe” or otherwise, in addition to numerous problems, too numerous here relate.
Lately I’ve been using Avast, it is the only one who has never failed me and so I thought to prepare an Ubuntu LiveCD, with a version of Avast, with updated virus base and from there, trying to save the computer. Could Do, How?.
Thank you very much and greetings to all.
Hola amigos. Primero, escribo desde españa y pido disculpas por mi inglés “De Google” :-S
Estoy trabajando actualmente en un centro cultural y los ordenadores (tienen Windows) están bastante maltratados. Me interesa sobre todo uno, al que el antivirus que tiene actualmente está estropeado por los virus y ni puedo desinstalarlo, ni puedo entrar en el ordenador “a prueba de fallos” ni de cualquier otra forma, además de múltiples problemas, que sería largo aquí relatar.
Ultimamente he estado usando Avast, pues es el único que nunca me ha fallado y por eso he pensado en preparar un “Ubuntu LiveCD”, con una versión de Avast, con base de virus actualizada y desde ahí, tratar de salvar el ordenador. ¿Se podría hacer?, ¿Cómo?.
Muchas gracias a todos y saludos.
Hallo, it is possible, why not? Just place avast’s library and binaries in the right directories (/usr/lib, /usr/bin, /etc) and that’s all. The (BFU-friendly:) process of live-cd re-mastering usually consists of normal installation, adding packages, and then, compressing the whole thing to particular filesystem (usually squashfs, cramfs or compressed loop-device)…
Isn’t the point of a LiveCD to test out the distro? that would include testing its software repos, right? Don’t most LiveCDs have a ramdisk that you can install stuff to? It won’t be saved after rebooting, but if you have the memory it might work.
you can install anything you want from a live CD, as long as no reboot is required of course…so AvastLinux can be installed from a LiveCD just need to have the rpm/debian on a USB or a partition on a hard disk. …
on a side note, anything installed from the live CD (online repos or else) will be taken into account and installed to disk with the rest of the distro.
I’ll tell you why: because Linux Distro packagers are so damned sure that:
1 Linux is not vulnerable … (to most viruses affecting Windows I admit it’s probably true)
remains about 50 viruses all in all that could affect Linux but are rarely met.
2 people dual-booting with Windows are not worth the integration of Avast in a distro…forgetting at the same time that an USB win32 formatted can be infected in Linux and infect your system when you reboot into Windows.
The Linux guys don’t care. That’s why they won’t ever integrate an anti-virus on any live cd or any sort of Linux setup. It’s a shame but it’s like that. This said, they don’t mind allowing Linux accessing NTFS partitions ;D
But I’m talking about avast releasing that bootable CD.
They could choose a distro and make it so.
Right now, we suggest 3rd party competitors bootable CDs.
ok so as said a user can do that himself. Mklive CD for instance does that. You just got to have an already installed distro (on hard disk) with Avast installed, launch the process, and you get an iso with everything currently installed in it, ready for a custom setup (ie different from default). But if it’s just for avast, it’s faster to download it or copy it from a live CD session and install it. The thing is I’m not sure you’re talking about the Linux version of avast. If you mean a bootable CD with the Windows version, Linux cannot be used obviously (or with Wine may be…not sure at all). So the Live CD solution can be forgotten.
They already has it. BART CD. But a very expensive tool.
No, not at all. They have the Windows version. They could develop a live Linux CD one, don’t you think? It’s prebooting, so it can be used to scan NTFS and EXT (or other Linux) partitions.
you can’t have a Linux live cd with a Windows version Avast on it, how ? By Windows version I mean a “setup.exe”…or avast.exe whatever ??? The avast version compiled for Linux and packaged as a debian or a rpm is another story, this one can be on a live cd.
I’m never say that. I want a Linux live CD with the avast for Linux.
I don’t want to “install” avast for Linux in a live Linux CD.
I want it preinstalled, like the other CDs I’ve posted on reply #1, ready for use, updated.
I have made one some time ago, but there’s very low interest in such things (because, who would need it, is usually able to install avast in his own live-cd, it’s the same as on any other linux. well, to have it on the cd directly needs a bit o re-mastering, but it involves just copying files to the ISO image, nothing more).