Avast! Linux Home Edition does not work with any version of Ubuntu (the most popular Linux distribution), due to the latest virus definitions requiring a larger allocation of shared memory, this is a fact, a fact I’m sure Avast developers are aware of.
I understand that there is a fix by changing the SHM value in terminal or via editing a text file as root.
Avast expects there users to browse forums and use root commands posted by random users that have no affiliation with Avast? Please make an official fix or at least post instructions for a fix that is officially endorsed by Avast.
Did you read my post? Avast should not expect users to make root changes to the kernel with information given in forum posts like the one you linked to. You could potentially make any Linux OS unusable by changing the kernel settings incorrectly. There needs to be an official fix, or at least officially backed instructions.
Seems so unprofessional. The majority of people downloading Avast for linux will be using it on Ubuntu (or a Buntu variant) so Avast knows it’s not going to work for them and there solution is to put a forum post? A forum post that doesn’t even look official.