UI Bug - Can't set new PIN

Hi guys,

I’ve just installed AMS on my XPeria Play, and when I try to set the PIN the box appear but with no field to fill in, which unable me to setup it properly.
Is it a known issue? Do someone know how to solve it?

These are some details of device.

Model: R800a
Rooted: yes
Rom: Stock 2.3.4 build 4.0.2.A.0.42



please post a screenshot!
helps the developers figure out the problem.


the screenshot you posted in the Anti-Theft forum (same problem) looks like a broken image link. no picture there.


I created a test build, can be found here http://public.avast.com/~havlicek/AMS_2.0.4400_SE_test.apk do you think you can test if it’s any better? You might need to uninstall your current Mobile Security, sorry :frowning:


Hi Filip,

I’ve uninstalled the current version and tested your build, but I was still not able to set the PIN yet.
After that I’ve removed everything and did the following:

1 - I’ve extract the Anti-theft from one old backup that I found and installed it (version 2.0.2627)
2 - With this version I was able to set the PIN and connect to my Avast account (couldn’t connect to Avast account with the new version too)
3 - Tested the change PIN option and it works.
4 - Installed your AMS build, the interesting thing here is that when I go to change PIN, it requests the current PIN and the PIN field appears normally, I type my PIN, then the change PIN form shows off but with no fields, only OK and CANCEL buttons.

PS: I’ll post screenshots later.


Sorry to keep you waiting, here are the screenshots.


will be fixed in the next version, it’s a UI bug on some Sony Ericsson devices.
