UI Failed to load - Disable Remote Desktop

I’m using Windows 10 x64 with Avast Premier.
So I’m having this issue: https://support.avast.com/en-us/article/Troubleshoot-Antivirus-UI-Failed-load

I’ve been a happy Avast customer for a few years now, and have used the free version for even longer than that. Recently I’ve been getting the issue above. The UI crashes and Avast just bites it, leaving me unprotected.

The solution in the link above is to enable the Windows remote desktop service.

This just isn’t acceptable. Windows has always had the remote desktop service set to manual start for security reasons. Enabling it opens another hole for someone to get into your computer.

My question is two fold:

  1. Why does Avast need Windows Remote Desktop to be enabled?
  2. How do I disable whatever feature Avast has that requires Windows Remote Desktop?

Exactly the same on my Computer, “UI failed to load” !!
Have the same two questions.
Nevertheless, I tried the solution in the link: “Enabling Remote Desktop”
Not any change in behavior. Still “UI failed…”
Did you already get any better proposal for solution? :slight_smile:
Because it’s really, really annoying. >:(

You could try the latest beta: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?board=15

Hip hip hurrah,
Three cheers for the proposed solution.
Since about 15 minutes now after installation of the new beta, avast is still working.
Thats the longest faultlessness since weeks.
If I don’t come back here, it’s all good now (I hope).
Thanks for the pretty rapid approach.

You’re welcome.

Well there is now a new regular program update available, as usual the confusion reigns as it has the same version number as the beta.
