i have often the avast icon (free version) that become disabled (red cross) when i want to open the main window it displays “ui failed to load”.
i have searched on internet a lot of time for this issue. many people have/had it.
some fixes were to enable the “remote desktop” windows service.
the 1st time the problem happened i have activated this service and indeed avast has enabled.
some days later, the problem reappeared but this time the remot desktop service was already enabled. so it was impossible to reactive avast with this way.
the other solution i read in the forums was to “repair” or “update” avast but this doesn’t work for me
the last fix i have read is to uninstall and reinstall avast.
i have done it, avast has indeed worked again… but only few days, because today morning the problem reappeared…
what can i do else? i cant uninstall/reinstall one time a week, it takes too much time.
is it possible that an avast member team can help me please?
ps: i use windows 7 pro 64 bits and i have zone alarm firewall.
update: when i right-clic on the avast icon and choose the option update, a window appears, in this window when i clic the “update” button i have a message from avast that the rpc server is not available.
maybe it could help for the diagnostic
it is not the subject of my topic but anyway i answer for this. i dont use w7 firewall because i don’t have the requests for connections programs. it’s not at all as convenient as zone alarm.
the firewall doesnt interfer with the antivirus i dont think we have to focus on this.
and i am not the only person who have this problem, sadly the problem is elsewhere.