This is a problems that appears to be occurring more and more often. Not sure what to do about it. Restarting the service seems to work 95% of the time. I’m running Windows 7 Home Edition with a Core I5 2500 CPU and a SSD hard drive as the boot device. It appears to me that Avast is checking for the UI service before it’s actually activated. Has anyone come up with a FIX for this annoyance. If memory serves me correctly this problem has only been happening for about 5 or 6 months. I’m running Avast version 18.5.2342.
Ditto with Behaviour Shield. You would think that automatically checking that modules are running and restarting them as required would be a piece of cake compared with the complex functionality of Avast. Not so apparently.
The problem when Behaviour Shield fails to start is that the little yellow alert flag on the orange system tray icon is barely noticeable so ensuring that the protection of Behaviour Shield is actually operational is dependent on user vigilance.
Repair Avast:
Control Panel> Program and Features (Add/remove program)>Select Avast> Select Repair. Reboot when completed
If Repair doesn’t fix the problem, try the following:
Clean Install of Avast:
If you need additional help with the Clean Install, watch this: