UI memory problem


I upgraded Avast form 6 to 7, after correct install - no problems, no unusual massages everything smooth and clean. After reboot Avast throws error about memeory access as you can see on attached screenshoot.

Message translated: Instruction under 0x0035fa38 references to memory on address 0x0035fa38. Memory cannot be written. Click OK to stop application.

After I try to click OK or close the dialog window the same dialog opens. It seems to only UI doesn’t work - the voice that confirm that virus signature repository is updated is played correctly, setup aplication works even error dialog is displayed.

Additonaly when I try to close dialog or click OK it seems to close Avast TryIcon Service and re-run it. This situation is repeated over and over again.


  • OS: Win 7 Home Premium with SP1
  • avast lastest version - upgraded using Avast Setup
  • system checked for viruses using Estet Node - system clean

Download the installer for avast 7.0.1407 (avast 7 final).

Under Windows Safe Mode, run http://files.avast.com/files/eng/aswclear.exe. twice. First for avast 7. Then reboot into Windows Safe Mode again and run ti for avast 6.

Then reboot yet again into Windows Safe Mode and look for aswRdr2.sys under C:/windows/system32/drivers/ and if you find it, delete it.

Now reboot into Windows Normal Mode and install avast 7. Once the installer finishes, wait until your HDD led stops blinking “like crazy” (as oppose to blinking sporadically). Then reboot.

Please report back.

I’ve done all your instructions, there was no driver that you mentioned.

Sytuation is the same, but strange was that that I during instalation I leave my PC to do the instalation, when I came back I saw that disk status LED is not blinking and window with information that instalation was properly finished and wishes that program will be useful. When I’ve clicked Finish and I wanted to reboot, Avast TryIcon appears and this Error dialog pop-up.

Instalator shouldn’t require reboot after instalation???


Of course I tried reboot after installation but it behaves the same.

what’s your framework version?

I didn’t understand what’s the new error message. Or are you saying the same as before happened again?

Error message is always the same - only memory address and reference changes.

What Framework???

So you are not able to get into the main GUI of avast? I thought about something else, but if you can’t access the main GUI…

About the framework, I don’t know. That’s not my suggestion, and I’d have to review the software requirements for avast.

BTW, is your OS up-to-date?

try installing these (better support for running applications in windows environment, by microsoft):



Are you sure those are indeed necessary to install avast? Any source of that info?

I have exactly the same problem. I’ve done all instructions too, the driver was present in the drivers folder.
That hasn’t helped. The error message appeared right after the installation completed, no reboot was inquired. I’ve rebooted manually and the error message appeared again. When I press OK only the addresses vary on the new error dialog.

Windows 7 Ultimate, 32 bit
.NET 4 FULL 4.0.30319

P.S. MSVC++ 2010 Redistributable Package x86 v.10.30319

If you are going to jump in, please at least provide the answers already asked. Do you have access to the main GUI?

vcredistx86 and framework are system environments which should be updated and installed automatically via windows update.
for any case in which one of them weren’t updated as it should be, you should try and install the latest version of these programs, they won’t make any harm, they will just help windows read in a better way than before, and if these programs are already installed, the installer won’t install them again.

these aren’t 3rd party programs.

Sure, but the same could be said about many other things in Windows, as drivers, or security updates. That’s why my question for the OP is if his system is up-to-date, ie all Windows Updates applied.

If you were suggesting some C++ redistributable, I would understand; but FrameWork specifically is no different from any other Windows Update.

do you know what vcredist is?
The Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package installs runtime components of Visual C++ Libraries required to run applications developed with Visual C++ on a computer that does not have Visual C++ 2010 installed.

and if he already has the latest framework installed, the installer will say it from the beginning and install will be aborted with nothing to worry about.

I can hear the voice reporting virus database update and even that the virus threat was detected. But I have no access to the GUI.
I’ve just noticed that .NET framework update is available through Windows Update.
I’ll install it and come back.


You misunderstood. I’m not saying that those are bad updates. I’m saying that they should be already installed, if Windows Updates requests them.

But, for the C++ 2010 redistributable case, that’s not the one. Avast installs and uses C++ 2008 SP1, for the OS used. So if the installer failed for some reason to install it, the the user would need to download that one.

But again, first of all, all Windows Updates should be installed, including FrameWork.

I think I clarified enough. Let’s concentrate in trying to help the OP, if we can (since, if there is no GUI, then I can’t provide more workarounds than really really deleting all remnants of avast, including aswclear, manual searches of folders, registry and so on.

I’ve updated the framework and reinstalled avast! once again by the instruction. That hasn’t helped. The problem is the same…

it cant make any harm either.

anyway i agree… (let’s move on)

do you have another real time protection rather than avast?

no. Only avast!.