ukash pup not found

I had ukash pup/trojan but avast did not find it. I have found the problem file using spy hunter and moved it away so it didnt start at login.
So, I would like to send the file to avast, but I am not sure how?

What was the file name and location of this detection ?

By default avast doesn’t scan for PUPs
Potentially Unwanted Program - See,,sid14_gci1066761,00.html. Not included in this definition are tools which can be used for good or evil, some have been legitimately installed for a specifically good purpose, but could have been unknowing installed for a malicious purpose.

Not all antivirus programs scan for PUPs and avast has it turned off by default (an exception being the boot-time scan).

You can change the avast scan settings to scan for PUPs, but that in its own right brings other issues. The user has to be aware of what a PUP classification is, what is installed on your system and what it does, then the hardest part determine why this would be considered a PUP and what action to take.

I selected scanning PUPs (also tried boot time scan from safe mode). Also AVIRA Antivir did not find it, but I sent the file to them and after the newest updates today it finds the virus.
I can just attach the file to forum if it is ok? it was 8757380.dll in C://Users/My UserName/8757380.dll
To be honest, I dont want to spend too much time in this, I am just trying to be helpful. If there is a way to submit it to avast, let me know otherwise let it be…

No attaching suspect files to the forum is a no, no, as should it be detected it would be blocking the topic and possibly worse the forum.

That is why there is a restriction on what files can be attached.

You can send the sample to avast as undetected malware. From the avastUI > Support > scroll down to the ‘Report files to the avast! virus lab’ Submit to virus lab… button, use the next window to navigate to the suspect file.

Also AVIRA Antivir did not find it,
does this man you have avast and Avira installed?

Thanks, I have submitted it using the support menu now. Today I got message from MalwareBytes also and they updated their definitions and their new definitions also identify this file as unwanted application/trojan. Also I now remember that I did this before (but after making the forum post I think), but I now also made a manual definition update so I saw the file was being uploaded. We will see how long it takes before Avast does anything about it.

Yes, I have now avast and avira installed together. I used to have avast in some machines and avira on some other machines, but now I see it may be better to have them both. At least avira/malwarebytes seems to respond much quicker in this specific case. Of course it means nothing in general but I hope avast can update their definitions by tomorrow at least.

Having two resident anti-virus scanners installed is one too many and not recommended as rather than provide twice the protection it can cause conflicts that could leave you more vulnerable.