unable the scan:the device is not ready


I ran a thorough scan and in the end I got “unable to scan the device is not ready”.
Avast could not scan whole folders like “documents and settings”.
How could folders on c:/ like documents and settings be not ready??

And another beginners question - after a file is moved to the chest box - am I safe? Why not remove it instead of leaving it there?

Thanks, Adi

may be your flobby driver not ready and avast tell you that after finishing scan
second,you move it because may be the file is not a virus and it is a FP so you can restore it ,if it is a good file.

how do i make it ready? c is a hard drive 0.o

That happens to me too. I can’t find the solution anywhere…

Make your avast fully updated. I mean try update it now. VPS 091203-0 has a buggy. Make sure your VPS is 091203-1.

Try restart your system and try again scan your C:

Thanks, but that’s not the problem we’re referring to.