Unable to bank due to Avast programming

When in Banking mode, there is a block in the bottom right-hand corner displaying the language: ENG. This fits directly over the Bank’s Proceed block, so when clicking on that, nothing happens. This means I have to log off, log back in, switch Banking mode off and do my online transaction unprotected which is unacceptable. Please advise how to resolve the problem and how to make the ENG go away. Thank you.

I think you would be better off asking that question in the Avast Secure Browser section here:

When you post in the right section, include a screenshot to make helping you easier. Thanks

@bob, it is not possible to do a screenshot in ASB Bank Mode.
The problem is that [ENG] keyboard chooser appears bottom right corner of Bank Mode screen, obscuring screen content.
Not sure if you will see that with only US ENG keyboard. Even when I remove all keyboards in ASB except UK ENG, I still see the [ENG] block displayed on Bank Mode screen.

@Annelie5, you can get round this by using a reduced size window instead of full screen.
The ENG will still be displayed but in the grey area outside your banking window.
Hope that helps, if still have a problem then please post again in the Avast Secure Browser section.

(Edit to correct typo.)

Correct on the screenshot but, you can take a picture (camera, phone) and then use it to post an image here.
It’s what I have to do when ever I create anything worth passing along while in Bank Mode. :slight_smile: