Unable to clear/restore/extract file from Virus Chest


Have recently upgraded laptop and some Lenovo bloatware (…\Lenovo\XiaoU\UnInstall\LenovoService\setup.exe) is being flagged up by Avast as malware.

I don’t want to delete it just yet (will uninstall all bloatware at later date), but the bigger problem is that the file now appears stuck in the virus chest. I tried restoring/extracting (adding to exclusions etc.), but the file never appears back in the ‘original location’ (as specified by the Chest), and I can’t seem to remove the entry from the Chest except, I presume, by deleting it.

Any help appreciated.

This seems to be a known problem on certain systems.
You could see if the problem is solved in the latest beta version.

You can report a suspected FP here: https://www.avast.com/false-positive-file-form.php